Tall Tale

Tall Tale

Tall Tale--whales divingA tall tale is a whale of a tale.

It is a big tale — a big story — much bigger than what really happened.

Because a tall tale is so big, it captures our attention. Most people don’t believe it but listen to it anyway. A few of us swallow a tall tale hook, line, and sinker. We believe the storyteller until people start laughing. Then we become part of the joke.

Comedians often tell tall tales. They base many of their stories on truth but add to them. They make their stories:

  • Bigger
  • Funnier
  • Crazier

We also share tall tales with relatives and friends. Some of us hold contests to see who can tell the tallest tale. We often tell such stories around campfires.

Tall tales grow bigger the more often we tell them.

I could tell you just the facts about a recent whale watching trip.

  • We saw between 10 and 20 whales.
  • The whales swam close to the boat.
  • Their tails and fins came out of the water as they dived to find food.

In a tall tale about those whales, I might tell you:

  • We saw at least 100 whales.
  • They swam so close to the boat we could rub their backs.
  • Those whales gave us high fives with their tails and fins.

Most tall tales offer a few moments of fun.

They become lies when told to hurt or deceive. Often when we lie, people know something’s fishy, and we end up in the doghouse.

Avoid tall tales that deceive. Enjoy tall tales told for fun.

A good man is known by his truthfulness; a false man by deceit and lies” (Proverbs 12:17 TLB).

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