Throw for a Loop

Throw for a Loop

Throw for a Loop--roller coaster with loopsMy husband used to surprise me on a regular basis. One of his surprises literally threw me for a loop.

We visited an amusement park with friends. I was not a big roller coaster fan and usually preferred kiddie rides. However, he finally talked me into trying a bigger one.

The closer we walked toward the roller coaster, the more concerned I became.

My reaction: “That thing goes upside down!”

His response: A laugh and “It just looks that way.” He held onto my arm to keep me in line.

When we sat down and the safety bar locked in front of us, he offered to hold my hand. Both of my hands gripped the bar. I gave him an unmistakable, “No!”

Of course, the coaster did make loops. I promised myself if I ever got off that thing, I would never ride it again. And I have not.

Throw for a loop (or knock for a loop) means to shock or surprise.

 We may be confused. Someone does something totally unexpected.

Throw for a loop may involve a pleasant surprise such as a:

  • Marriage or pregnancy announcement
  • Special activity with family
  • Gift for an extended vacation

It may also involve an unpleasant shock such as:

  • Job loss
  • Health crisis
  • Divorce
  • Death

Life may throw us for a loop, but a relationship with God keeps us secure.

Whether we are on top of the world or in the pits, God remains with us. God does not always remove negative circumstances. Yet, we can keep on keeping on because of God’s peace, joy, and comfort. Hope holds secure.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion. Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay.

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11 thoughts on “Throw for a Loop

  1. Thanks for my first laugh of the day, Tracy. My prankster husband pulled a similar trick on one of our former pastors (telling him he was not in the line to the monster roller coaster)!

  2. I had an experience on a roller coaster that mirrors yours exactly, Diana. And no, since that fateful, heartstopping day, I’ve never been on a roller coaster again!
    God does see us safely through all the loops the world throws at us.

  3. Oh my yes, I’ve been thrown for a loop many times in life, both good and bad my friend. I think of “loop” as being that circle created by feeding a length of rope through the honda (some call it a hondo, but it’s the small loop on the lasso/lariat that rope is fed through). That creates the loop, which is the part that ropes/captures a cow. Some never miss. I’ve probably missed more than I’ve made, especially on a moving horse. LOL The key is remembering that the honda is what anchors the loop. I like to think that God is my honda. He is the anchor through which all loops much pass. That “anchor knowledge” is what helps me withstand those moments when I get thrown for a loop. Great explanation dear friend. Thank you!

  4. Diana, it is amazing how many of us have had similar experiences. I am not a fan of roller coasters either 🙂 Life throws us for a loop many a time, but I am so grateful the Lord is always with us to the very end of the ride!

  5. I’ve think most of us have been “thrown for a loop” in our lives, but you’re perhaps one of the few who have actually experienced the literal throw for a loop. Roller coasters are one of the few rides I can do and evn a loop doesn’t bother me too much. But most rides make me sick. Enjoyed your message.

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