

Whippersnapper--3 boys and a dogA whippersnapper usually means a young or small person.

Most often, older people use this phrase for children or youth.

My friend Pamela Noel’s father often said, “You little whippersnapper.” He called her this “if I was good or ugly.”

Many people view a whippersnapper as unimportant. The young person has:

  • More confidence than ability
  • More ambition than education

However, young people have to learn. They may only be knee high to a grasshopper. That does not make them unimportant.

A thesaurus lists several synonyms for whippersnapper.

They include:

  • Pip-squeak
  • Runt
  • Lightweight

Pamela’s father probably meant those when her behavior was good.

Other synonyms include:

  • Sneak
  • Troublemaker
  • Brat

Pamela’s father probably meant those when her behavior was “ugly” or bad.

Whether we are whippersnappers or over the hill, may we all follow good guidance.

How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. (Psalm 119:9 NIV).

Thanks to Pamela Noel for the suggestion and Gail Gosser for the photo of three of my favorite whippersnappers.

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