On cold winter days, our family loves thick soups and chilis. They fill and warm our bodies and delight our taste buds. No wishy-washy soups for us.
Wishy-washy means lacking strength, flavor, or other positive qualities.
It applies to both food and people.
Wishy-washy food is thin, watery, and flavorless.
Such dishes are:
- Weak on spices
- Watered down
They need seasonings, meat, vegetables, or pasta to add flavor and nutrition.
Wishy-washy people are also weak.
They show little strength of character. Instead, they act:
- Indecisive
- Incompetent
- Lacking in character
- In need of courage
- Unstable
Because of those weaknesses, they inspire little confidence and make poor leaders.
Overcome weakness with boldness.
- Stand firm and strong.
- Show strength of character
- Make informed and effective decisions
- Live with honor and integrity
- Act with courage
“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you” (1 Chronicles 28:20 NIV).
Thanks to Debbie Tapscott for the suggestion. Image by wildhearts from Pixabay.
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14 thoughts on “Wishy-washy”
I think your synonym indecisive fits the best. To me, wishy washy means going back and forth on what to do.
That’s the primary meaning I’ve heard as well, Tracy. I’ve been surprised at the number of expressions I’ve used all my life that have additional meanings for other people.
I always think of Revelation 3:16 when I hear this term these days Ms. Diana. I abhor wishy-washy people. In my mind’s eye, I picture shaking hands with that fella at church or in a business meeting and you feel as though you just shook hands with a fish! A firm handshake says a lot about a man, I think. So does that “hand-breaker” handshake. I have to admit though, I’ve been known to wrangle the “Upper Hand” a few times. There’s a term for you ma’am. God’s blessings.
Great verse for application, J.D. Thank you. Thanks also for the suggestion. I look forward to working on it. Blessings on you and yours.
Indecisive is what comes to mind to me first, too, Diana. Also, just a person who is weak and ineffectual. Definitely, no leader!
Martha, someone commented on social media that a person’s life experiences can beat them down to the point they fear trying. That may be true for many who are indecisive. Fear of failure or other negative consequences often hold people back. I wish I had thought to add that point to the post.
I think the synonym unstable fits well. You never know which way a person of that type will go. You brought to mind the man described in James 1: “being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (verse 8, NASB). May we ask God for wisdom so we are not wishy-washy but are stable in all our ways.
Thanks for another great point and verse that apply to this expression, Joanne. I seek God’s wisdom daily but still find myself occasionally holding back. I pray your words remind me to go forth boldly as God leads.
I strive not to be wishy-washy, but don’t always succeed. Scripture reminds us to be bold, to stand for what we believe. God’s Word will guide us on that journey. I’m thankful for our Father’s guidance and encouragement. Thank you, Diana.
Your experience mirrors mine, Katherine. If I keep my focus on God’s leadership, my outlook and actions improve and remain firm regardless of the circumstances around me. Thank you.
I love your application of 1 Chronicles 28:20. Such a great reminder we can be bold because of Him! In my time with the Lord this morning I read Zechariah 4:6-‘“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of hosts.’ Asking God to keep me from being wish-washy and to always make me bold through His Spirit!
Thank you for sharing another powerful verse, Kim. May we always pray for God’s Spirit to give us the boldness we need in every situation we encounter. Blessings.
I remember Mama saying, “She’s wishy-washy.” when referring to someone who kept changing their minds to please others. I pray we stay strong in faith and not be “wishy-washy” just to please others. Have a blessed day!
Your mom had a great description, Melissa. Thanks for sharing. It’s not always easy to stand strong but it’s always worth it. Blessings.