Work Like a Mule

Work Like a Mule

Work Like a Mule-two mules carrying packs down a mountainMany of us complain that we have to work like a mule. Our complaints increase if we:

  • Hate the job
  • Think the job has no purpose
  • Believe we should be doing something more important
  • Feel no one cares how hard we work
  • Think other people have an easier life

We work like a mule when we work hard for a long time.

Mules make good work animals because they:

  • Have tough, strong bodies
  • Are sure-footed — not likely to slide or stumble
  • Carry heavy weight with little trouble
  • Endure heat well

If we work like a borrowed mule, we work even harder.

Sadly, we may work a borrowed animal harder than one of our own. Since it costs us nothing, we care less. That should never be the case. Yet, it happens.

Whether we have to work like a mule (our own or borrowed) or have an easy job, let’s work to the best of our ability. Each day we put our hand to the plow, we make a difference for good or bad. When we do our best, we rest in the knowledge we give a good day’s work for a good day’s pay.

I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance” (Revelation 2:2 NIV).

Have you heard similar expressions about other animals? Please comment.

Thanks to Stephanie Buis for the suggestion. Image by Simon Matzinger from Pixabay.

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5 thoughts on “Work Like a Mule

  1. So have I, Melissa. Many times, I fear it was more my attitude than the work itself.

    You have been working hard on your writing, haven’t you. I have enjoyed reading your work on several sites.

  2. Diana – every post by you allows me to go back in time. My mother(Grace) and my grandmother(Willie Myrtle) used these often. My favorite is the “work like a mule” which I often have used to describe my mother. Grannie often use the “two shakes of a dead sheep’s tail” . My mother would remind me with “do this while you’re resting”. Looking back, I ended up with a great work ethic as did my two daughters. My childhood was hard, but God was always there.

    1. I’m so glad these expressions bring back great memories. I also recall being asked many times to do something while I was resting. What a blessing to have such wonderful examples and God to guide us every step of the way. Love to you and your family.

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