Burst with Joy

Burst with Joy

Burst with Joy--old silo with smiling faceI remember the first time I saw this silo. It looked like it would burst with joy. A freshly painted smiling face greeted every passing traveler.

To burst with joy means we are so full of joy we can hardly hold it.

Our cup runs over with happiness.

The years have been hard on my silo friend.

  • Its paint has faded. Yet, its smile remains.
  • Rain, wind, and storms have given it a hard time. Yet, it still stands.
  • Time will continue to take its toll. Yet, each change reveals the silo’s inner strength.

It still looks like it could burst with joy.

I love the lessons this old silo teaches.

  • Age changes our appearance. Yet, it does not have to take our smile.
  • Life’s storms beat against us. Yet, they don’t have to defeat us.
  • Time will take its toll on our lives. Yet, we can make the best of each life stage.

We can’t always choose our life circumstances. Yet, we can choose our attitude.

Thanksgiving reminds us to count our blessings.

  • If we have faith, family, and friends, we have more wealth than many in our world.
  • Food to eat, a home, and basic needs also make us richer than most.

When we share with others, our blessings grow.

May we never forget to thank God and the people who add joy to our lives.

Let’s also never forget to bless others.

Keep smiling. Let your life burst with joy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music” (Psalm 98:4 NIV).

What makes you burst with joy? Please comment below.

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