Down in the Mouth

Down in the Mouth

Down in the Mouth-sad puppy between two smiling scarecrowsWe all get down in the mouth sometimes.

Down in the mouth and down in the dumps mean almost the same. We feel:

  • Sad
  • Depressed
  • Hopeless

In the middle of smiling faces, we still feel bad.

We may be able to hide how we feel when we get down in the dumps.

Usually people know when we feel down in the mouth.

Happy faces disappear. Smiles turn upside down. We:

  • Frown
  • Cry
  • Have nothing good to say

Hard times often make us down in the mouth.

We have trouble with:

  • Relationships
  • Jobs
  • Health
  • Daily life
  • Bad news of any kind

We don’t have to stay down in the mouth.

Sure, life gets hard. We all have problems. However, good can come from the hardest times. God offers hope in both good times and bad.

Therefore, let’s remember to always:

  • Count our blessings
  • Learn from tough cookies who have gone through worse times than ours
  • Look to God for guidance

“My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you” (Psalm 42:6 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion and to Gosser Farms for the photo.

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