Katy Bar the Door

Katy Bar the Door

Katy Bar the Door: old double doors with bar across themGet ready. Beware. Katy bar the door.

My dad often used this expression if he expected trouble, such as:

  • Bad weather
  • Economic problems
  • Political unrest
  • Broken relationships

Katy (or Katie) bar the door warns of danger ahead.

A common southern expression, it tells people to be careful. They need to watch their step and prepare for hard times ahead.

If people expect someone to try to break in their house, they lock (or bar) their door. They take necessary precautions.

The origin of Katy bar the door is uncertain.

 According to The Phrase Finder, possibilities include:

  • A Scottish folk song, “Get Up and Bar the Door”
  • The attempt of Catherine Douglas to save the Scottish King James I

Whatever the origin, use caution when facing danger. 

Better safe than sorry. Take the right steps to protect against possible threats.

“The clever see danger and hide; but the simple go on, and suffer for it” (Proverbs 27:12 NRSV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion. Image by József Kincse from Pixabay.

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