Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth--tree in front of lakeHave you had people move heaven and earth to help you? They do everything in their power to provide what you need. I have, and I am eternally grateful for their assistance.

In a crisis, I called a friend. She stopped what she was doing and cancelled her plans to come to my aid. Her friendship is the real McCoy.

To move heaven and earth means to do everything possible to make something happen.

We resolve to do all we can to:

  • Help someone else.
  • Achieve what we desire.
  • Accomplish a goal.

In spite of challenges, we reach for the sky. We try to make the impossible possible.

Move heaven and earth implies commitment.


  • Dedicate ourselves to a purpose.
  • Give our best effort.
  • Have no plan to quit.

Such commitment requires hard work.

Ordinary efforts are not enough. We strive for the extraordinary.

The Creator of heaven and earth set the example for us.

God loves us and offers life in heaven when we leave this earth. May we do all in our power to tell others of Jesus’ sacrificial gift to make that possible.

“May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 115:15 NIV).

Thanks to Scott Tice for the suggestion.

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12 thoughts on “Move Heaven and Earth

  1. What a great description of what this saying means, Diana. Yes, it always requires great commitment on our part and radiates determination to go above and beyond where we previously thought we could go.

  2. Have always appreciated this phrase Ms. Diana. I’m reminded that to “move heaven”, we need God’s help. To obtain that, we must ask. There’s only one way to do that and it’s going through His Son in prayer. Of course, you have to know Him first. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this great thought with us today ma’am.

  3. Amen. There have been several family members and friends who I describe as “moving heaven and earth” to help us during difficult times. I thank God for those folks. 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!

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