Shake Off

Shake Off

If dogs get wet, stand back. We don’t want to be too close when they shake off the water. However, we can learn from their actions.

We try to shake off what bothers us.

Problems we might want rid of include:

  • Dirt, bugs, and other yukky stuff
  • Sickness
  • Bad moods
  • People
  • Fear

Some problems are easier to shake off than others.

  • Dirt washes off easier than mud.
  • We get over a cold easier than the flu.
  • Grief over a lost game hurts less than grief following a loved one’s death.
  • An annoying child upsets us less than an abusive adult.
  • Bugs don’t scare us as much as bears.

Many of us need to shake off stress.

We become worry warts over:

  • Mistakes from the past
  • Difficulties we face today
  • What will happen in the future

Perhaps we should pay more attention to ducks and dogs.

Like water off a duck’s back or water off a dog’s body, let that stress go. Shake it off.

  • Get some exercise.
  • Take a walk.
  • Sing.
  • Make a list of what bothers us and then rip the list to pieces.
  • Let go and let God lead.

“Shake off your dust;  rise up” (Isaiah 52:2 NIV).

Thanks to Joy S. Taylor for the suggestion. Photo by Katrin B on Pixabay

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