

Teetotal--full moonTeetotal means total or complete.

It refers most often to a person who never drinks alcohol. We call that person a teetotaler. Our family chose a teetotal life. Too many people we love have been ruined by alcohol.  We decided better safe than sorry.

We occasionally see teetotal written T Total. Either way we spell it, we stress total.

  • No question about it
  • No doubt at all
  • Absolutely

Teetotal also means certainty.

Someone may ask, “Are you sure?” or “Is that your final answer?” To stress our certainty, we answer, “Teetotally.” We are completely certain. We definitely gave our final answer.

Teetotal also means completely full.

  • A full moon lights up the night sky.
  • Our hearts fill with sorrow.
  • We eat all we can.
  • Joy makes our cup run over.

For the teetotally best life, we ask God to fill us with His love and power.

“You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence” (Acts 2:28 NIV).

Thanks to Betty Johnson for the suggestion.

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Easter Reflections play script, flower, and cross in backgroundCongratulations to Harriet Michael, whose name was randomly drawn from my blog subscribers for a free copy of “Easter Reflections.”  You can read a script preview or order the play from Christian Publishers.

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