Third Time’s a Charm

Third Time’s a Charm

Third Time's a Charm--4-lead clovers in tic-tac-toe rowI have heard third time’s a charm all my life. Like many older expressions, I could not find its origin.

Third time’s a charm means the third time will probably be successful.

Some people say third time’s a charm for good luck. They believe the expression is true. Others hope it is true.

I don’t believe in luck. However, I do believe in hard work and not giving up. Therefore, the more I try, the greater my chances of success.

Rather than third time’s a charm, I prefer try, try again.

If one effort does not work, I go back to the drawing board until I figure out what to do. I must:

Although I don’t believe in luck, I do enjoy looking for four-leaf clovers that are considered good luck. I also enjoy jokes about the luck of the Irish.

Third Time's a Charm--Happy St. Patrick's DayAbove all, I depend on guidance from my never-failing God.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

“The Lord bless and keep you” (Numbers 6:24 NIV).

Thanks to Walter Maude for the suggestion. Photos courtesy of Pixabay.

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