Up in the Air
A friend’s car died during a recent out-of-town trip. It left her stranded on the side of the road. Her son took his car to her. The fate of her car was up in the air.
Could her car be fixed? Would she have to buy a new one? How much would either of those possibilities cost?
Up in the air means uncertain.
Something is not settled. It could change. The uncertainty may refer to such matters as:
- Choice of school
- Plans with friends
- Work options
- Food selections
- Government decisions
Like clouds, anything up in the air floats around waiting for a decision.
The metaphor may also refer to flying birds.
Some decisions matter little.
The choices are six of one and half a dozen of the other. Fairly equal, either choice makes no great difference.
- Dark chocolate or milk chocolate
- A long walk or two short walks
- A long book or two short books (or both)
Major decisions must be made.
Failure to decide is to decide to leave results in the hands of others. Riding the fence rarely works.
Choose well. Choose with eternal consequences in mind.
“How can men be wise? The only way to begin is by reverence for God. For growth in wisdom comes from obeying his laws. Praise his name forever” (Psalm 111:10 TLB).
Thanks to Beckham Wilson and Rita Smalley for the idea.
Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.
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13 thoughts on “Up in the Air”
“Up in the air” is also a good place to meet the Lord!
Absolutely, Doris! I should have added that thought to the post. Thank you.
One thing we don’t want to leave up in the air is where we will go when we die.
Definitely not, Tracy. I should have included that in my post. Thank you.
Decisions are always easier to make when we put the Lord first in the equation.
Blessings, Diana!
You are right, Martha! How different life would be if we consistently remembered that truth. Blessings on your day and life.
Many things about my life remains “up in the air.” What books will be published, how many years are left to me in this life, what tomorrow will hold? Yet, the most important decision one can ever make has been “put to bed” and there is nothing more I need to do. How the sanctification part of that plays out? Well, that’s still “up in the air” too.
Always enjoy your posts ma’am. God’s blessings.
I can identify with all you said, J.D. I’m so thankful that most important decision was settled long ago. Now I pray for God’s will to work through me each day. However, I remain a work in progress. Blessings.
So many things are “up in the air”, Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, . . . II Tim. 2:19
You’re right, Beckham. We live in an uncertain world. Nevertheless, we have God’s sure foundation. What a blessing!
I’ve used this expression a lot over the years and really enjoyed you explanation and insights. I especially appreciate the deeper wisdom you share about decision making. Thank you for inspiring us today.
Thank you, Katherine. You’re such an encourager. Blessings on all your work. Your book has made near the top of my reading list. I look forward to delving into it soon.