Well Begun Is Half Done

Well Begun Is Half Done

Well Begun Is Half Done--Snake River float trip with Grand Tetons in backgroundMy husband and I love to travel. For years, we hopped in our car as often as possible to explore our country. However, we usually spent weeks planning the trip. We learned that well begun is half done.

We decided in advance:

  • How far we wanted to travel
  • What sights we wanted to see
  • How much time we had

We also allowed for short unplanned side trips off the beaten path.

Well begun is half done means if we begin well, we are more likely to end well.

Work begun well usually means:

  • Less work to complete
  • Increased chance for success

This holds true whether we want to:

  • Build a house
  • Write a book
  • Sell a product

If we have no idea what we need to do, we get nowhere.

We spin our wheels and accomplish nothing.

Well begun is half done also relates to our spiritual lives.

For the best life, we make the best plans. Will we focus on ourselves for our brief time on earth? Or will we choose a personal, eternal relationship with Jesus? If we follow Jesus, we receive:

  • Joy for our present journey in both good and bad times
  • Hope for a home in heaven

At the end of life’s road, nothing matters more.

 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19 NIV).

Thanks to Joy S. Taylor for the suggestion.

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