Make Up for Lost Time

Make Up for Lost Time

Make Up for Lost Time--grandfather clockMost of us have had to make up for lost time. We plan to complete tasks. Yet, other events interfere with those plans.

To make up for lost time means to spend time doing what we should have done earlier.

Because of our delay, we have to work quicker or longer to get the job done. For example, we:

  • Leave late and drive faster to arrive on time. (I don’t recommend this.)
  • Fail to complete a work assignment and have to work harder later.

We occasionally make up for lost time in our relationships.

  • After years apart or with little time together, we focus on one another.
  • When illness prevents favorite activities, we spend extra time on them after we heal.

Too often, we waste time.

That looks different for each of us. We dillydally when we:

  • Delay a task we don’t want to perform
  • Sleep late
  • Spend excess time on fun but useless activities

 We also make up for lost time through no fault of our own.

We simply have more to do than we can do.

  • Emergencies occur.
  • We complete the work other people failed to do.
  • Unexpected requests or assignments arise.

God gives each of us twenty-four hours a day.

Will we:

  • Use it wisely?
  • Keep our priorities in order?
  • Do our best?

As John Wooden said, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when are you going to have the time to do it over?”

“I trust in you, Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands.” —Psalm 31:14-15

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Beverly Ennis for the photo.

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8 thoughts on “Make Up for Lost Time

  1. When I think of that phrase today, I can’t help but pause and offer thanks to God. Like He did for Job, He has redeemed so many years of my life that were lost to sin and “lukewarm living.” What a great reminder of what He can do in every life if we’ll allow Him. God-time works on a very different schedule than man’s time, doesn’t it?

  2. J.D., you are right about God-time working on a different schedule than ours. If only we paid more attention to God’s direction, we would all be better off and not have to make up for so much lost time. Like you, I’m thankful for redemption from poor choices.

  3. I love that John Wooden quote! We just returned from a month in Florida. The time wasn’t lost (my husband and I had wonderful hours together walking on the beach, playing board games, and eating seafood), but I’m scrambling now to get so much done. But as you say, God gives me 24 hours in a day. I just need to use them wisely!

    1. Tracy, I’m so glad you had those days in Florida to rest and recharge individually and as a couple. I’m praying for wise time management as you prepare for your conferences.

  4. I expect we’ve all experienced the need to do this. Thankfully, I’m not a procrastinator, but that doesn’t stop me from getting behind, at times, usually because I have too much on my plate or someone else dropped the ball. Thank you for sharing, Diana.

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