Take It to the Bank

Take It to the Bank

Take It to the Bank -- bank vaultIf someone pays us by check, we take it to the bank. The check promises money.

Of course, not all checks are good. In those cases, we lose the money listed on the checks.

When we say we can take it to the bank, we mean something is good.

  • We can depend on it.
  • The person who wrote the check has the money listed.
  • A person always speaks the truth. He is as good as his word.

We cannot take everything to the bank.

Like bad checks, not everyone speaks or acts in truth. When that happens, we lose trust. The person’s bad choices hurt us.

We all make bad choices. However, we can receive forgiveness.

Easter celebrates Jesus coming to earth to pay the price for our sins our bad choices.

  • Jesus’ words and actions taught us how to live.
  • He died on the cross for our sins.
  • Before and as He died, Jesus prayed for us.
  • He arose from the grave on the third day.
  • Jesus’ victory over sin and death becomes ours free and clear, if we place our faith in Him.

Friends, we can take Jesus’ promises to the bank.

“This is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3 ESV).

Thanks to Kristy Robinson Horine for the suggestion and to Citizens Bank for the photo opportunity.

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4 thoughts on “Take It to the Bank

  1. This is one of my favorite idioms 🙂 May people know that when we speak, we are speaking truthfully. And I am so grateful “we can take Jesus’ promises to the bank.” On His Word, we can depend!

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